Where photography meets fitness, gamifying low-impact physical activity to beat sedentarism.
Angela Truong
Elsa San
Songzhe Liu
My Role
UX/UI designer
User researcher
Usability tester
13 weeks
The Problem
The problem area addressed is the rising physical inactivity amongst working adults aged 25-35. Alongside physical inactivity is the prevalence of sedentarism among the population, resulting in the absence of exercise for the recommended amount of time per week - 150 minutes. This sedentarism can lead to a range of health issues, notably in cardiovascular health, higher mortality rate, and diminishing mental health.
The Problem Statement
Sedentary workers have the desire to benefit from health gains of physical activity but struggle to balance their work life and the time to exercise.
The Research
Our secondary and primary research findings—surveys and interviews— revealed:
Physical activity helps foster a healthy connection between the mind and body.
A lack of exercise leads to both mental and physical decline.
People often lack motivation to change their activity levels unless absolutely necessary.
Awareness of health risks influences the choices people make.
Our Solution
Focusing on sedentary, working-class adults, the team devised a solution targeting the engagement of sustained low-level fitness over time through social connection and gamification.
The solution that we've some up with was SnapRoute - a fitness app designed to promote walking through individualised routes as well as be involved in the community with various image-capture 'challenges' with their friends, family or peers.